Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Kolkata
- Date: Sep 14 - 18 2020
- Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Python for Data Analytics
Python is a language that is very easy to learn even if you are a beginner and don’t have any programming background. It is well-worse with powerful libraries for machine learning, deep learning and AI which make it mode powerful.
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- Introduction to Python
- Installation Python
- Options for IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Installation of Anaconda Distribution and Jupyter Framework
- Basic Operations in Python
- Arithmetic Operations
- Variable Assignment
- String Operator
- Introduction to Lists
- Data types in Python
- Object, List, Array
- Concept of Looping
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Custom Function
- Define your own function
- Import Numpy Library
- Import Numpy Library
- Importance and use of Numpy Library
- Data Handling in Python (Using Pandas Library)
- Import Pandas Library
- Import from .txt, .csv, .xls, html file
- Working with Data Frame (Using Pandas Library)
- Subset of the Data
- Adding / Deleting columns or Rows of the data
- Numeric Filter, String Filter, Filter with Multiple Conditions
- Sorting of the Data
- String Operations (Upper Case, Lower Case, Title Case, Replace)
- Summarize data
- Find Descriptive Statistics using a single command
- Use of Group by function for Cross Tabulation
- Pivot Table in Python (Numpy and Pandas Libraries)
- Types of Data
- Qualitative Data (Nominal and Ordinal)
- Quantitative Data (Interval and Ratio)
- Descriptive Statistics
- Measurement of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
- Measurement of Spread (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation)
- Quartile, Frequency Table
- Data Visualization (Using Matplotlib Library)
- Bar chart, Histogram, Pie Chart, Box Plot, Scatter Plot, Matrix Plot
- Instruction-Led Live Classroom
- Curriculum Designed by Experts
- Hands-on Coding
- Expert Mentor-ship
- Any professional who want to enhance or build career in Data Science, Data Analytics and Machine Learning
- Perfectly Suitable for Beginners
- Date: 14th to 18th Sep-2020 (5 Days)
- Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM