What We Do
Unleash the Power of Your Data: Your Solution for Advanced Analytics and Insights!
Data Science Training & Consultancy
Data Science is nowadays Buzzword in the Market. Because data is generated exponentially in the last couple of years. To convert data in knowledge and decision making, data science is there.
Machine Learning is about making a machine think like humans. Humans are getting intelligent through the experience. Similarly, the machine also can learn from its experience in the form of Data.
There are many misconceptions about Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Actually, Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence.
Python is a language that is very easy to learn even if you have a beginner and don’t have any programming background. It is well riched with powerful libraries for machine learning, deep learning and AI which make it mode powerful.
R is the programming language that is widely used in Data Science especially when Statistical Analysis and its output is most important. It is having a wide range of packages for different analysis.
Mintab software is a statistical software which mostly used by the industries. It is having very good options for the analysis required in six sigma, reliability, design of experiments and various graphical tools, etc.
Business Intelligence is the buzzword nowadays. Power BI is a product developed by Microsoft and widely used for business analytics and business intelligence.
Data processing and analysis is the first step in data science because in real life you will not get the data as accurate as we are learning in the classroom. It has its own practical challenges. To overcome those challenges and make our data analyzable, data processing is required.
SAS is a business intelligence tool that is widely used in analyzing the data, reporting of analysis, data mining, predictive modeling, etc. It is having powerful visualization capability and reporting capability and interactive dashboard capability. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.
SPSS (Social Packages for Social Sciences) is the statistical software developed by IBM. It is having a wide range of statistical analysis which is required to be done for research work. It can handle complex survey data very efficiently and then can be used for analysis purposes.
Tableau is the Business Intelligence tool that is widely used to prepare data visualization. It gives you insights about the parameters which are to be monitored to make business decision effective.
Excel is a program which is used widely by the industries, universities, academic institution and many more. Excel is having very powerful functions that can be easily used in our routine life like pivot table, lookup, conditional formatting, data visualizations and many more. It also can be used for data entry, data cleaning, data restructuring etc.

Institutes & Universities
Data analysis is an immense part of any research work. Stat Modeller provides the solutions to the people who are looking for their data to analyze. We have a team of statistical experts who are having vast experience in academic, industries, research, consulting etc.
Learning is a continuous process. We are providing training on various concepts of data science, operational excellence and research in the institutes and universities.
We are conducting workshops on data science applications like Python, R, SPSS, SAS, Minitab, Power BI, Tableau etc. We are also sharing our expertise as a resource person in various workshops organized by the institutes and universities.
The certificate adds value to the portfolio of the students. We are conducting certification programs in the institutes, colleges and universities for the skills & concepts which can increase the employability of the students.
Operational Excellence
Data analysis is an immense part of any research work. Stat Modeller provides the solutions to the people who are looking for their data to analyze. We have a team of statistical experts who are having vast experience in academic, industries, research, consulting etc.
Six Sigma is a disciplined and structured approach to solve the problems. It is not only limited to a specific sector but it can be applicable everywhere whether it is a manufacturing setup, or it is a service sector, or it may be a process industry.
Lean manufacturing system is the system based on the Japanese concepts which focus on identifying eliminating and reducing waste from the process and streamline the process flow. Companies can enhance their productivity, quality, delivery and reduce cost, lead time, accidents etc.
5-S is the Japanese concept which is the basic requirement to maintain the workplace efficiently. It is very popular among the industries but the majority of industries are struggling to implement it in the real sense and sustain the result of it. We customize the approach as per the company’s culture and maturity as effective implementation and sustenance is majorly dependent upon them.
Kaizen is a Japanese concept that focuses on small but continuous improvement in the process. It is mainly emphasis on building an improvement culture in the organization. As many small small things make a very big impact, small continuous improvements are also lead to a huge benefit to the organization.
Kanban is a Japanese word that means Visual Signal. This is used to control and optimize the inventory based on its consumption in the process. Excess inventory leads to the many costs associated with it like inventory carrying cost, ordering costs, transportation cost etc. Kanban can be used to optimize the inventory so that these costs can be reduced.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is the concept which focuses on increasing the belongingness of the operator towards the machines or equipment and involving them in the maintenance activity because they are the person in the factory who knows machine well than others. It leads to the reduction of defects, breakdowns frequency, breakdown hours etc.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is the method of controlling quality by monitoring and controlling the manufacturing process. In SPC implementation, data from the ongoing process is collected and monitored on a suitable graphical chart which is famously known as control charts. Actions based on the pattern and rule of the control charts are taken on the process to improve the output quality.
There are many ways to solve problems. One can solve it by firefighting. But firefighting is the temporary solution which is not preferable. To solve the problem from the root, one can use the systematic approach to solve the problem. 7 QC tools is the systematic approach to solve the problems.

Research Project
Data analysis is an immense part of any research work. Stat Modeller provides the solutions to the people who are looking for their data to analyze. We have a team of statistical experts who are having vast experience in academic, industries, research, consulting etc.
Research project is a scientific approach to answer the research question. Research always starts with some objective or a question. Then it digs deep by researcher to discover the answer. Entire process passes through many steps like designing a questionnaire, data collection, data analysis, hypothesis testing, conclusion, etc.
Market research is an organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers. It is a very important component of business strategy. Once the information is collected, it must be analyzed as fast as possible to make an action plan. Because the organization spends a lot of money, energy, time, intellect behind collecting the information about target markets so that they can make their strategies accordingly to the test of the market. And ultimately, it helps in capturing the maximum Market Share among the competitors.