Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Kolkata
- Date: Sep 21 - 25 2020
- Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Data Visualization through Power BI
About Power BI
Business Intelligence is the buzzword nowadays. Power BI is a product developed by Microsoft and widely used for business analytics and business intelligence.
Our training sessions are meticulously planned by our trainer and are designed in a manner geared toward the maximization of efficiency. Your time is valuable, so our goal is to best prepare you while taking up the least amount of your time possible.
Training sessions will be comprised of both exercises and lectures that will touch upon the topics mentioned in the Content Section
- Date: 21st Sep 2020 to 25th Sep 2020 (5 Days)
- Timing: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
- Perfectly Suitable for Beginners
- Experienced faculty
- Hands-on experience
- Soft-copy of Material
- Email support after training
- E-Certificate
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- Introduction to Power BI
- Importance of BI (Business Intelligence)
- Different Tools of BI
- Basic Fundamentals of Power BI
- Introduction to Course
- Course Outline
- Methodology
- Set up of Power BI Desktop
- Download and Installation
- User Interface of Power BI
- Let’s get familiar with UI
- Import Data from different Sources using Query Editor
- Import from various sources like Excel, CSV, Text, Web API etc.
- Data Cleaning
- Data cleaning using Power Query Editor or Power BI
- Power BI Charts
- Different types of chart and its usage
- Power BI KPI Indicators
- Introduction to KPI
- Importance of KPIs
- Benefits of KPI Monitoring
- Power BI Dashboard
- Importance of Dashboard
- Interactive Dashboard Creation
- Quiz
- Introduction to Power BI