Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Kolkata
- Date: Aug 23 - 24 2020
- Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Certified 5S – Workplace Management Practitioner
Nowadays each and every workplace needs to be more efficient and managed which can be achieved through implementing 5S.
5S is a basic tool / technique which can be implement with current resources which can be result into the more effective and efficient workplace & work environment and ultimately it helps to eliminate waste from any processes. It is also the 1st step towards to Visual Management & Lean Manufacturing.
Register Now to gain in-depth understanding of each S and how to implement at your workplace.
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- Introduction to 5S
- What Does 5S Stand For?
- Case Study of Before and After 5S Implementation
- Life Before 5S
- Life After 5S
- Why 5S should be Implemented
- History of 5S
- 5S Methodology with use cases
- 1-S – Red Tagging, Sorting, Segregation
- 2-S – PEEP Concept, Set in Order
- 3-S – Shine, Make your Workplace neat and clean
- 4-S – Standardize the best practices
- 5-S – Self discipline – sustain the result
- Introduction of new 2S added to 5S family
- Visual Workplace
- How 5-S relates with Kaizen (Waste Reduction)
- Conclusion
- Manufacturing & Service professionals
- All Levels (Junior, Middle, Top Management)
- Freshers aspiring job in industry
- Faculties Students
- Any one who want to make their workplace productive
- Date: 23rd to 24th Aug-2020 (2 Days)
- Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM