Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Kolkata
- Date: Oct 22 - 30 2021
- Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
7 QC Tools for Process Improvement
About 7 QC Tools
There are many ways to solve problems. One can solve it by firefighting. But firefighting is a temporary solution which is not preferable.
To solve the problem from the root, one can use the systematic approach to solve the problem. 7 QC tools are the systematic approach to solve the problems.
- Date: 22nd & 23rd Oct and 29th and 30th Oct 2021 (4 Days)
- Timing: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Suitable for everyone who wants to be a problem solver using a structured approach
- Experienced faculty
- Hands-on experience
- Access to the Session Recording for 6 Months
- Email support after training
- Online Exam
- E-Certificate
- Introduction to 7 QC Tools
- What is Quality?
- Dimensions of Quality
- Cost of Quality
- What is Quality Improvement?
- Importance of using data/facts for Problem-solving
- Understanding of Data & Basic Statistics
- Types of data
- Variation
- Central Tendency & Dispersion
- Descriptive Statistics
- 7 QC Tools & Its application
- Check sheet
- Pareto Chart
- Histogram
- Flow Chart
- Cause & Effect Diagram
- Scatter Diagram
- Control Charts
- Conclusion
- Exam