Problem Solving Professional Welcome to the Exam based on Problem Solving Professional course. You have to answer 15 questions. This quiz will be automatically submitted after 30 minutes. You can see timer in the title bar of the website. There is no negative marking. You will get email with certificate if you are eligible. (Eligibility criteria is 50% or more). NOTE: The name you written in this quiz will be appeared on the certificate. It will not change after. All the Best !!! Team Stat Modeller Your Name Your Email Your Number Your Unique Reference Number Which presentation technique are used to show facts and also separate the ‘useful many’ Histogram Scatter Diagram Control Chart Pareto Chart None What is the range of correlation coefficient? -1 to 0 -∞ to +∞ -1 to 1 0 to 1 None Another word used to describe Quantitative data is... Discrete or Attribute Continuous or Variable None Defect & Defective are the same term. TRUE FALSE None A project leader has collected data on number of pieces rejected from 500 numbers inspected every time. Which control chart will be most suitable to present this data? c chart np chart p chart Xbar R chart None A process is normally distributed, then how much area will it cover in µ +/- 2σ 99.73% 95% 68% 99% None Which type of Histogram it is Normal Bimodal Left Skewed Right Skewed None Control Limits are the same are Specifications Limits. No Yes None Natural Variation in the operation of processes is due to: Assignable Causes Common Causes Special Causes External Causes None Due to continuous complaints by the customer, a company has added 2 new in process inspection stations. It can be categories as Appraisal Cost External Failure Prevention Cost Internal Failure None A process is normally distributed, then how much area will it cover in µ +/- 3σ 68% 99.73% 95% 99% None One company has got 100 units rejected in the final inspection which costs 2 lakhs rs. This cost can be categorize as Prevention Cost Appraisal Cost External Failure Internal Failure None We can use custom category along with Man, Machine Material, Method. FALSE TRUE None Team members are sitting in a circular form and one person giving one idea at time. This is called _______________ Brainstorming. Slip Method Freewheeling Method Round Robin Method Unstructured Method None A project leader is doing a visual inspection for 50 meter of fabric. He is collecting number of defects per 50 meters. Which control chart will be most suitable to present this data? u chart p chart c chart np chart None Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window