Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Kolkata
- Date: Feb 23 - 28 2021
- Time: 5:00 pm
Statistical Analysis using R
R is the programming language that is widely used in Data Science especially when Statistical Analysis and its output is most important. It is having a wide range of packages for different analysis.
Anyone who wants to build career in Data Science or Data Analytics, they must learn R programming. This course is designed for the beginners and intermediate learners who want to build their career in this field.
- Date: 23rd to 28th Feb 2021
- Timing: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- Suitable for Faculties, Research Scholars and Students
- Experienced faculty
- Hands-on experience
- Email support after training
- E-Certificate (Upon clearing the exam)
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- Introduction to R
- Data Structure and Data Types
- Import data from various sources
- Package Management
- Introduction of Statistics
- Data Visualization using Base Package and ggplot2 Package
- Testing of Hypothesis
- Parametric Tests (t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA etc.)
- Non Parametric Tests (Wilcoxon test, Kruskal Wallis Test etc.)
- Linear Regression
- Simple Linear Regression
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Factor Analysis